Call for Nominations!

Are you interested in working on the Oregon Tech AAUP Executive Committee? Do you know someone who might be interested or well-suited to the job?

Your faculty union, Oregon Tech AAUP, is in the process of making the transition from an informal coordinating committee to a formal structure governed by bylaws and administered by an elected Executive Council.

We will be seeking formal approval from the faculty for the bylaws shortly through a vote of all members of the bargaining unit, i.e. all faculty with appointments of 0.5 FTE or more. As part of that process, we are taking the following steps:

Circulating a copy of the proposed bylaws – The bylaws have been written by the Coordinating Committee and approved by AAUP legal counsel. A copy of the bylaws is attached to this email for your review.

Seek approval of the bylaws – We will submit the bylaws to a vote by all members of the faculty bargaining unit before the end of this Fall term. Please note that this is not a vote on unionization – that has been completed and our union recognized. This vote will establish the nature of the governance of our union bargaining unit going forward. The vote will take place during the last week of November.

Seeking nominations for the positions described in the bylaws – In order to insure that all offices are filled simultaneously with the approval of the bylaws, we are asking you to nominate either yourself or a fellow faculty member to serve on the Union’s Executive Committee. Nominations are due by 5pm on Wednesday, November 21st. The election will be conducted simultaneously with the vote to approve the bylaws.

We are seeking nominations for the following positions – the duties of each position are described in the bylaws:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. At-Large Member (Klamath Falls)
  6. At-Large Member (non-Klamath Falls)

All members of the Executive council are required to become dues-paying members of the AAUP. The term of office shall be two years. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Candidates for office shall supply a written statement of between 250 and 500 words describing their qualifications for office, which shall be circulated to members along with the election ballot.

Please submit your nominations, or any questions you might have about the bylaws or election process, to the email address by 5pm on Wednesday, November 21st. The written candidate statement is due prior to the election, and need not be submitted with the nomination.

Thank you – we look forward to your nominations.

Oregon Tech AAUP Bylaws Final

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