Author: Executive Team

Open Letter in Support of Professor Allan Douglas

An open letter to Oregon Tech Senior Administration: We, the Executive Committee of Oregon Tech – American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP), offer this letter in support of Professor Allan Douglas, an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy (EERE) Department, who is set to have his employment terminated at the end of the day on May 15th…. (Read More)

TODAY! OT-AAUP Ice Cream Social – Klamath Falls

TODAY! AAUP Ice Cream Social – Contract Celebration (Klamath Falls)Come celebrate the new contract and the new school year! When: Today, Tuesday September 28th, 2:00-4:00pmWhere: Solidarity Corner (SW corner of Dan O’Brien and Campus Drive): it’s chilly…the ice cream won’t melt!) A celebration on the Portland Metro Campus will occur in October! Contact Andie Fultz,, with questions about the PM celebration or… (Read More)

OT-AAUP Ice Cream Social Sept. 28 (Klamath Falls)

Welcome back from OT-AAUP! You are invited to an AAUP Ice Cream Social – Contract Celebration (Klamath Falls)Come celebrate the new contract and the new school year! When: Tuesday September 28th, 2:00-4:00pmWhere: Solidarity Corner (SW corner of Dan O’Brien and Campus Drive): A celebration on the Portland Metro Campus will occur in October! Contact Andie Fultz,, with questions about the PM… (Read More)

Press Release: Oregon Tech – AAUP Negotiates Historic First Contract; Oregon Tech Strike is Over

5-4-21 Press contact: For immediate release: In the early hours of Tuesday morning, the bargaining team from Oregon Tech – AAUP came to tentative agreements on a historic first contract for Oregon Tech faculty, achieving their goals of fair wages, a reasonable workload, and secure public employee benefits. The tentative agreements that were reached this week will now move… (Read More)

Press Release: OT-AAUP Bargaining Team Meets Late into the Night to Make Considerable Offer; Senior Admin Refuses to Budge on Equity

5-3-21 Press contact: For immediate release: Oregon Tech – AAUP is increasingly close to a settlement in the eighth day of their strike against the Oregon Institute of Technology, as the union continues to fight for their collective bargaining rights and salary equity. The strike persists as the bargaining team works hard to draft a third settlement package with… (Read More)

Press Release: OIT Students Protest at Administration Building in Support of Faculty; Still No Contract

5-1-21 Press contact: For immediate release: While a majority of Oregon Tech faculty held their own Rally for a Fair Contract on Friday, over 50 Oregon Tech students entered the OIT administrative building in Klamath Falls and held a sit-in to show their support for their faculty. Actions also took place at the Portland-Metro campus and virtually as Oregon… (Read More)

Press Release: Oregon Tech Petition Dismissed; Bargaining Continues

4-29-2021 Press contact: For immediate release: Striking faculty were vindicated today when the Oregon Employment Relations Board (ERB) dismissed a petition filed by Oregon Tech senior administration which attempted to declare the Oregon Tech AAUP faculty strike unlawful. “We were confident in our ability to conduct a lawful strike and that this petition was a scare tactic,” said Kari… (Read More)
